Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Earth Angel...

This week has raged about like a drunkard in the night, and sought to leave me despondent and broken, but alas, my mind is intact thanks to a Angel. God's direction and providence seem to come clear only when I am at the point of surrender, then He steps in, the bout-ender, and brings peace to my soul, if not for but one round, He picks me up off the ground. I am in awe of the way He has used this Glorious soul to bless mine. In contemplation of the excess of this blessing, I come nigh to breaking my mind...(sigh). I am rejuvenated weekly to face the fire, of another trial, test, or social mire by this angelic presence. I know that God's timing is correct, I just have to keep my connect to the spring from which all knowledge, goodness, and power flows, and in His cleansing stream, sink far below, drown and die to self, that I may rise...In Him complete. Fit to serve, live, and love my Angel, and my God.